Paleo Banana Bread Recipe

The Best Paleo Banana Bread Recipe

I don’t know what it is lately, but I’ve been hit with a serious baking bug! It all kicked off with pancakes, then veered into cupcakes territory, and even detoured into smoothies land (I know, not exactly baking, but who’s keeping score?), and now, … it’s bread time.

Let me fill you in on my banana bread obsession. Every time I snag a bunch of bananas, there’s always a couple that decide to go all out on ripeness. When they start getting speckled and mushy, I swiftly slice ’em up, chuck ’em in a freezer bag, and stash them in the freezer. They’re like flavor bombs ready to explode in a smoothie or, drumroll again, banana bread!

Now, this recipe calls for a tad more action in the ingredient department, but trust me, it’s worth every bit. So, round up the troops and let’s jump headfirst into making the best paleo banana bread you’ve ever laid taste buds on. And guess what? No sugar in sight.

The best paleo Banana bread recipe – Ever

The Best Paleo Banana Bread Recipe

Do you hear that? Yes, that’s the sound of me tooting my own horn – but for good reason. What makes this the best paeleo bread you ask? First, this recipe is absolutely delicious without veering away from the paleo diet.

We’re talking wholesome ingredients our ancestors would totally approve of – nuts, and almond flour. This is also one of those gluten-free breads, where you don’t really notice it’s gluten-free (and I mean that in the best possible way).

This bread is also a trailblazer for the sugar-free life. Instead of refined sugars that spike your blood sugar, we let ripe bananas bring the natural sweetness along with monk fruit sugar (which is fine for diabetics and those watching their blood sugar levels). This satisfies your cravings without the crash.

The Best Paleo Banana Bread Recipe, paleo banana bread nosugar

Now don’t think this bread tastes like cardboard just because it’s healthy. Au contraire! It nourishes your body with the good stuff and keeps your tastebuds happy too.

So whether you’re full-on paleo or just want a slice of bakery goodness, this loaf is what you need.

best paeleo bread

The Best Paleo Banana Bread Recipe

Without departing from the paleo diet, this recipe is incredibly tasty. We're talking about healthful ingredients that our ancestors would approve of – nuts, and almond flour.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 10 people
Calories 280 kcal


  • 1 Large Bowl
  • 1 Bread pan (approximately 24cm x 10cm x 6cm)



  • Preheat the oven to 180°C (356°F) and grease a bread pan. Line it with baking paper, leaving the ends uncovered.
  • In a medium bowl, combine almond flour, tapioca flour, salt, chemical yeast, and cinnamon. Use a fork to mix well.
  • In a larger bowl, mix together monk fruit sugar and softened coconut oil until creamy using a wire whisk.
  • Add the eggs to the coconut oil mixture and continue whisking until homogeneous and shiny.
  • Gently fold in the mashed bananas.
  • Gradually add the dry ingredients from the medium bowl to the wet mixture. Mix until just incorporated.
  • If using walnuts, fold them into the batter.
  • Pour the batter into the prepared bread pan.
  • Optionally, place a halved banana on top of the batter.
  • Bake in the preheated oven for 40 to 50 minutes, or until the surface is well-browned and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
  • Allow the banana bread to cool in the pan for about 15 minutes, then transfer it to a rack to cool completely.
Keyword Best Paleo Banana Bread Recipe, Paleo banana bread, Paleo banana bread nosugar


  • Dee King

    Dee King knows that the journey to wellness often begins within. After overcoming her own weight issues, Dee became a fitness and nutrition specialist to help others discover what works for them. She believes wellness is about finding harmony and self-compassion, not perfection. In her writing and workouts, Dee provides inspiration to stay strong, especially when you want to give up.

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